Hi everyone! I'm Stephen L., the founder of TheManilaSongHaven on YouTube. I occasionally upload Filipino-related and world-based genres of music, taking inspiration from fellow local anthem YouTubers. I also have karaoke videos too.OTHER INFORMATION:
- '02 | 21 y/o | Male | Filipino
- ð“…ƒ | Soaring Falcon (Adamson University)
- BS Computer Science
- Christian (Reformed Charismatic); JILCW
- Spirit-led Biblical Christianity enjoyer
- Church musician (Keys)

In this photo is Julio Nakpil in old age, not me.

The Word of God continues to live in you to be sanctified, redeemed, and renewed through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross of calvary for our own sins.What is the Gospel?

The greatest and noblest achievement of any human is to know his Creator, truthfully and personally, to love Him passionately and wholeheartedly, and to serve Him faithfully with integrity and excellence until he stands before Him on Judgment Day.

Bro. Eddie Villanueva

The death of Christ covers our sins, but the life of Christ provides merit and the righteousness that we must have in order to enter into heaven. So, Jesus's life is as important for us as His death. He lived to fulfill all of the law of God.

Dr. R.C. Sproul

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